Under the Microscope — IADE Newsletter

Under the Microscope is the newsletter of the International Association of Document Examiners. Monique Rosser, Editor
Members are encouraged to submit articles to Ms. Rosser.

See below to download a printable PDF of current and past IADE newsletters:

2024 Volume 9

Volume 9, Number 2

The Book Shelf: Forensic Document Examination for Legal Professionals by Michael Wakshull • Preserving Penmanship: The Importance of Teaching Handwriting in Schools Over Digital Signatures by Dr. Shabnam Preet Kaur

Volume 9, Number 1

Website Addition Coming to www.IADE.us • The Book Ahelf: Identity Theft Prevention for the College Student by Robert Baier • Q&A • Tenth Annual Interactive Seminar and Workshop • Task Lighting

2023 Volume 8

Volume 8, Number 2

Intro: Jeff Chadney, By-Laws Committee Chair • The Book Shelf: Famous Forder Books • High Tech Solutions: LED tracing light pad • Tips & Tactics • Continuing Ed News • 2023 IADE Conference

Volume 8, Number 1

Spring Greetings! by Beth Chrisman • Forensic Study on the Effect of Age and Illness (Parkinsonism) on Handwriting Chracteristics by Komal Saini and Manpreet Kaur • High Tech Solutions • 2023 IADE Conference

2021-22 Volume 7

Volume 7, Number 4 (Winter)

Holiday Greetings • Lighting Kit Review • 2023 Seminar in Cocoa Beach, Florida • Continuing Education

Volume 7, Number 4 (Fall)

Our Brave New World - The COVID-19 Pandemic by Beverley East • Proficiency Test • 2022 IADE Conference • Q and A

Volume 7, Number 3

Analyzing Digital DocumentsHow to Respond to Questioned Docs on Unusual Surfaces • 8th Annual Conference Webinar 2022 • more

Volume 7, Number 2

Intro to Handwriting Examination and Identification • Hypothethis v Hypothetical and Scientific Method • Identifying Simulation

2020 Volume 6

Volume 6, Number 2

What Lawyers and Judges Should Know About Handwriting Experts by Ruth Brayer • Basic Principles by Brenda Petty • In Loving Memory of William Koppenhaver

Volume 6, Number 1

Editorial: "Hands-On Seminars" • The Book Shelf: The QDE Index • Digital Microscopes • My First Questioned Document Examinar's Conference and Seminar

2019 Volume 5

Volume 5, Number 3

Editorial: "Being Published" • The Book Shelf: Forensic Document Examinations for Legal Professionals • High Tech Solutionns • Photos from the 2019 Conference

Volume 5, Number 2

Document Examination Training • The Book Shelf: Testifying in Court • High Tech Solutionns — Florescence • 2019 Conference: Jamaica

Volume 5, Number 1

High Tech Solutions • The Book Shelf • Is Forgery Without Ramification?Charlemagne • 2019 Conference: Jamaica

Volume 4

Volume 4, Number 1

Editorial: Daubert • The Book Shelf: Document Verification and Currency Transaction Manual by Frank Abagnale • West Rock Paper Company

Volume 3

Volume 3, Number 3

The Book Shelf: Testifying in Court by Stanley L. Brodsky • Distinguishing Between Fundamental Differences and Natural Variation

Volume 3, Number 1

The Daubert Challenge • High Tech Solutions: Light Spectrum for Document Examination • Legal Defense Against Internet Defamation


Volume 2

Volume 2, Number 3

The Importance of Laboratory Training • High Tech Solutions and The Book Shelf • De-Mystifying the Cloud

Volume 2, Number 2

The Book Shelf: Introduction to Handwriting Examination and Identification Proficiency Testing at its Best

Volume 2, Number 1

Adhering to Standards • Professional Image Workshop • The Importance of Errors and Omissions Insurance

Volume 1

Volume 1, Number 4

How We Learn, Editorial • Forger in New York • Testifying in Jamaica

Volume 1, Number 3

2016 Annual Seminar • Thesis on the Prevalance of Illegible Signatures • Achilles Heal of the Ghostwriter® Machine

Volume 1, Number 2

Presenting a Professional Image • U.S. Courts

Volume 1, Number 1

What Constitutes a Court Appearance? • Encyclopedia of Document Examiners